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ill whoop your ass up and down the street

When you are really upset and will totally whoop there ass not just a small ass whooping

The hubba says Ill whoop your ass up and down the street

by Billygraen January 4, 2019

1👍 2👎

trust and believe that

Meaning you are saying 100% truth. More powerful than just saying trust that or believe that. Sometimes said with anger. Coined by the living legend the hubba

I'll prove the proof trust and believe that

by Billygraen January 4, 2019

you think your safe in england

A term often said to youTuber Jon hagy. It is a threat when other YouTubers get triggered

Jon hagy you think your safe in England

by Billygraen January 4, 2019

you got 24 hrs to say your goodbyes and shut your shit down.

A term used by Jon hagy when monsters and creeps are online

Stop your shit and apologize You got 24 hrs to say your goodbyes and shut your shit down.

by Billygraen January 4, 2019

4👍 3👎