A religion preached by the wild kivis. A well known group is the wild kivis of Nebraska, who widely praise this religion. This is a religion, in which people ONLY eat Bacon. They're God is Lord Bacon (bacon be with him) and the traditional "Baconmas" Dinner is a chicken with a turtle, wrapped in Bacon, deep fried and smothered in cheese and chocolate.
They also have a pope, whois currently Adam Richman, the "Man vs Food" guy. Next in line for the pope is Harley Morenstein from Epic Meal Time, and the prophet of 'Lord Bacon' is known as Ethan Kivlahan.
Did you see Ethan the other day, eating 30 tonnes of bacon?!
What, preaching his religion, Baconism?
- Observers of the Baconist, Ethan Kivlahan.
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