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Someone who thinks Apple computers are a godsend having zero knowledge that they're not as bulletproof as Apple claims. These people blindly pay the hefty price premium for an Apple computer just to surf the web, listen to music & check email. And they think they're better than everyone else because their computer is shiny & polished which is apparently more important than performance or battery life. To them, it's form over function.

Apple says Macs are "immune" to infection. Is that why you can buy Norton Anti-Virus for Mac? If Macs are so perfect & "just work", then why does Apple quietly release updates (i.e. Snow Leopard which is a 170MB update & contains multiple security patches, bug fixes & stability tweaks?

PC User - Nice new Macbook you got there. Have you updated to the latest service pack?

Mac User - Huh? No need, it's perfect, I just downloaded & installed the latest Snow Leopard It was only 170 megabytes so no big deal!

PC User - You know what a 170 megabyte update is right?

Mac User - No, what?

PC User - That's a Service Pack, like what you would find in Windows.

Mac User - (covers ears) - No! I don't believe you, la la la la la la!!!

PC User - What a Mactard....

by Bishop114 November 19, 2009

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