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An exquisite ability to avoid or block an annoying person. Mentally, physically, spiritually.

Ricky: Fred was giving me so much shit yesterday,, he was being mean intentionally..

Chick: Just use your mutism capabilities, it won’t matter what he says ..

by Bitchbetterbegood May 23, 2024


Not just another 'ism', it's a way of life, an ideology; some even label it a cult. Comprised of toxic individuals with extremely low self-esteem, its members dismiss proper education in favor of spending excessive time online, creating fake accounts, writing ridiculous comments, and trolling others. This behavior stems from a profound disinterest in their own lives. They believe that confidence is not cultivated internally but is instead derived from within their small group. They engage in what they perceive as 'intellectual' activities to bolster their self-worth, yet their attempts often come off as pretentious and lacking in genuine intelligence or humor. Those around them often cringe in embarrassment when they speak, a testament to their absurdity.

Moranism a true story:

( A 99 year old mother discovered that the Moranist cult leader is an active stalker with perverse obsessions ) (777)

by Bitchbetterbegood May 26, 2024


Extremely uncool, embarrassing.

Jill: The guy at the show yesterday had such a Moran / Moron moment.. Yikes!! I felt bad for him.
Jack: No way !! No one can be as lame or uncool

by Bitchbetterbegood May 25, 2024


A self-obsessed guy (not necessarily a geek) who constantly reflects on his "glorious" past—a very short-lived moment of "popularity" when he felt like the king of a small town (though people were laughing about him behind his back). He dislikes everything contemporary and adores classic music and old cinema. To him, Gen Zers are a bunch of fools, raw idiots who are nothing like him (so, of course, stupid, stupid).

The nostalgeek hates Ed Sheeran and Justin Biber. He also doesn’t appreciate Drake or any other popular hip Hop hits .. it’s beyond him..

by Bitchbetterbegood May 24, 2024


Someone who finds sexual pleasure in watching TV news ( especially the morning edition ), who becomes sexually stimulated by consuming them , all,day,long.

Morstrubation , he cant live with it and can’t live without it ..

by Bitchbetterbegood May 25, 2024


Usually meant to describe the lack of muscle. Weak in mind , body and spirit .

He such a sharir Omg !

by Bitchbetterbegood May 23, 2024


A. Some that uses money to manipulate others
B. Someone that doesn’t believe he is good, so he try’s very hard to make others feel the same way. C. Someone that try’s to educate others instead of bettering himself.

Donald is so goodless, all over the place and thinks he can be the moral compass, even though he's morally messed up.

by Bitchbetterbegood May 23, 2024