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In electronics, xtal is an abbreviation for crystal, and refers to a piezoelectric crystal oscillator (a device containing quartz crystal which, if stimulated, will oscillate at a precise frequency and can be used to generate voltage sine waves). Frequently used in precise low-power clocks, and the generation of carrier radio frequencies.

An electronics simulation program, or an electronic diagram may describe a crystal oscillator as an xtal.

For example, "R1 = 1 kOhm, R2 = 500 Ohm, C1 = 10 nF, xtal1 = 4 Mhz"

by Bizork June 1, 2010

58👍 2👎

a grain of salt

Not to be taken literally, or to be taken with caution or extra common sense.

Etymology is from the Latin phrase "cum grano salis" (with a grain of salt), and also the Italian phrase "avere sale in zucca" (to have salt in your pumpkin (head)). In Italy to have salt in your head means to have intelligence or reasoning abilities.

Do not accept promises from your enemy without a grain of salt.

Use a grain of salt when buying cheap electronics from the flea market.

by Bizork May 23, 2010

67👍 7👎


To pay. Typically used in the old idiom "foot the bill".

A more modern alternative is "flip" as in "flip the bill".

We'll get the boss to foot the bill tonight!

by Bizork March 9, 2017