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Ignorant = ig.no.rant

def = A discourteous or rude individual who not only lacks knowledge or awareness of a subject, but actively refuses to acknowledge and intentionally disregards all information contrary on said subject(s).

Word Origins:
The root word/verb “Ignore” comes from Latin meaning;
“Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.”

The word “ignorant” has 2 commonly accepted adjective meanings.

1.) Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
2.) Discourteous or rude.

The Noun, “Ignorant” takes into accounts all of the original meanings and places them onto an individual displaying these traits.

“Regardless of all of the scientific data we give him, he refuses to believe that the world isn’t flat. He truly is an Ignorant.” see also Flat Earther

by BlackwoodX October 4, 2019

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