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An Amaya is an amazing person. She’s really nice and is very beautiful. She has a big booty. She’s kind and loyal. She’s that friend that will be there for you when no one else is, she will cheer you up when your sad. She is beautiful and sexy. She attracts a lot of boys. She’s very smart. She can get mad easily. She has a lot of friends but she is only close with a few. At first she’s shy and quiet but when you get to know her she will make you laugh and she can be wild. She doesn’t think she is pretty even though everyone tells her she is. She doesn’t show off her stuff. If you had a bad day she would take you out for pizza or a movie just to see you smile. She’s one of the best friends you can have. Don’t lose an Amaya.

Look there’s that girl I was talking about her name is Amaya isn’t she beautiful

by Blesivvvvvvv April 15, 2019

35👍 4👎