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Feeling confused and slightly worried,

Perplexed defined "I'm not sure what to do with my daughter!"

by Blissful_86 August 10, 2015

14👍 5👎


1 the fact or state of being related. 2 a) a connection or association (enjoyed a good working relationship). B an emotional ( esp. Sexual) association between two people . 3 a condition or character due to being related. 4 kinship.

Where two Individuals share compassionate communication, "effective towards each other(s) feelings, whom communicate on a daily basis. Faithful loyalty an trusting another because they have build a relationship that each individual have mutual relations; corresponding in some way. 1) Having relationships which family, blood related, marriage to share a connection with others knowing you may count on them to be there. B) we can have many forms of relationships mainly the most compassionate one is mostly with whom we love our partner, husband/wife. Relationships are a big part of our word we have to build trust a loyalty with other individual (s) to have a civial life in our work environment (s) home(s) schools(s,) ect;

by Blissful_86 August 10, 2015