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An acronym for Want To Date.

Similar to other acronyms such as:
- WTB: Want to Buy
- WTT: Want to Trade
- WTP: Want to Play

WTD Katie Perry, she is gorgeous.
WTD Nikki Minaj, she is also gorgeous.

by BlkE36 May 3, 2011

5👍 12👎


Acronym for "Want To Play"

Used for video games or any other type of game.

Like other acronyms:

- WTB: Want To Buy
- WTT: Want To Trade

For Example: I really WTP Xbox 360.

I really WTP FullTiltPoker.

I really WTP PS3.

by BlkE36 May 2, 2011

8👍 14👎


The act of farting on a cake/s or other baked goods. This trend mainly started at frat parties when there was nothing better to do.

I can't wait until the caekfrating party at my friend's frat house.

I want to breewernt all over that cake tonight.

by BlkE36 April 11, 2011

11👍 7👎


The act of farting on a piece or whole cake. Usually performed by frat members.

Our frat hosts caekfrat parties on THURSDAY Nights!
I was caekfrating on a new cake during one of our frat parties.

by BlkE36 April 4, 2011

11👍 7👎