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A modern term for a teen or young adult who goes out of their way to appear "cool" or "hip". They are usually whiny selfish self-entitled immature brats that grew up with reasonably well off parents who gave them most of the things they wanted and consider those without the latest "hip" things to not be on their level. They think they are better than people who arn't hipsters and walk like they are God's gift to the planet.

Hanging out with a hipster usually entails watching them check their Iphone or smartphone every few seconds (ususally strangely a lot more times if there happens to be a cute boy or girl nearby i guess to appear important or fly) when they do talk to you its usually about nothing but themselves or some "cool" band nobody's ever heard of or cares about. They will want to be seen in the trendiest clothing stores or cafe's and if they do purchase anything in any of these places its more than likely on mummy or daddies credit card. Their smugness and arrogance will soon make you start worrying about the risk of a possible assault charge if your blood pressure continues to soar. You find you have to remove yourself from their immediate proxomity.

"you see those hipsters who showed up at that party last weekend? they just breezed on in staring at their Iphone's not even looking at anyone and acting like they owned the place"

by Blockhead_2016 February 5, 2016


A moody melodramatic and upset teenager who wants attention but can never seem to get it. They will wear dark makeup and walk around looking like they've just been to a funeral and frequently meet up with other Emo's to discuss methods of suicide. They listen to dark weird almost satan cult type music to fuel their growing need for attention. Sometimes they are cutters who act like they tried a serious attempt to kill themselves when all they were doing was cutting.

"Sara is such an emo....all she does is listen to depressing music and talk like its the last time we'll ever see her alive"

by Blockhead_2016 February 5, 2016

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