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To fuck things up in such a way that cannot be explained

He Hoozined it up

by Bloodknight March 1, 2014

5👍 1👎

Mopped the Floor

To put someone, or something, to complete shame, or humiliation, and to better it in every capacity; to utterly outdo, outperform or outwit. The phrase is used to conjure sentiments of shaming to the point of using that thing for the lowly task of mopping the floor with. Generally used in past, or more rarely, future or prospective tense.

1. Peyton Manning just mopped the floor with Tom Brady.

2. That kid just mopped the floor of that Pogs tournament!

3. Gandalf would totally mop the floor with Harry Potter.

by Bloodknight November 22, 2010

41👍 8👎