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When someone has both swag and rizz

Josh is so cool, he definitely has that swizz

by BlueSlurpee January 6, 2023


Pirate talk for a condition relating to the consumption of excessive quantities of cheap alcohol, or small quantities of 'rum'.

Cap'n - "Sound the alarm Mr. Bosun, pirates off the starboard bow!"
Mr. Bosun - "Not so loud cap'n, I be feelin a little binnacled."

by BlueSlurpee July 9, 2022


Similar to the terms "carnivore" and "herbivore", a sphinctivore is someone who eats ass.

Tommy had his girlfriend Lily over when suddenly he begins to get hungry. He flips her over and begins performing analingus on her. Since ass is a regular part of Tommy's diet, he is most definitely a sphinctivore.

by BlueSlurpee February 2, 2018