Source Code

Mass Erector

Somone who still gets an erection from Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 trailers and already has both games.

Dude 1: "Dude, this Mass Effect 2 trailer gets me so pumped!"

Dude 2:"But don't you already have it?"

Dude 1:"So?"

Dude 2:"Man, you are such a Mass Erector."

by BlueTimePissInYourFaceFunTime July 2, 2010


the possibility of getting a boner while watching old 80s movies

Dude, I think I've got a possibiliboner from watching Predator!

by BlueTimePissInYourFaceFunTime March 25, 2010

3👍 3👎

Mass Effect

One of the best games ever, putting you in controll of the dashing Commander Shepard. It also lets you have hot, blue, alien sex.

Dude, I just got a blue job in Mass Effect!

by BlueTimePissInYourFaceFunTime April 14, 2010

222👍 41👎