Jackal is Blush's very bestest GOOD BOY! No one can ever say anything different.
Sin the Jackal just post all those lewds in #dirtytalk ... but he is still a GOOD BOY!!!
Blushingmoon is the ultimate bat waifu .... a lewd mistress of the sweetest variety!
She appeared as a wicked bat waifu!
The best daddy ever...seriously.
Yue daddy gave her all the best candy!
Yue is a naughty Daddy Dragon....you better RUN before he EATS CHUUUU....
He was a smexy daddy dragon.
1. An artist who is obsessed with all things pink. 2. The pervy of the perviest. 3. Bat Waifu.
Blushingmoon just draws all day long......*sigh*