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Yen Nhi Tran

Allana is the hottest sexiest gay person I know she likes woman and men that means she likes big bobba dairy sacks lactose bags honker honks and big blue ball

Allana is so pretty with her glasses because of the masculine alpha smexy energy it gives her

Allana is bi


Yen Nhi Tran is so gay she likes big honker honks

by BobHasBigBooty May 1, 2023

Hoang Dao

Hoang Dao has the biggest brain ever he is like megamind he could outsmart jesus he is smarter than anyone else in the world he is so cracked at chess because only sexy alpha people are cracked at chess he has the juiciest ass in the whole wide world and dikesh loves to smack it and his toes are so wriggly

Hoang Dao loves grabbing Dikesh's oui oui baguette and smacking his bootilicious maximus

by BobHasBigBooty April 13, 2023

Alex Sutherland

Alex is so fucking hot and sexy just looking at him makes you fall over and start moaning and gripping your bootlicious ass he smells like minty nostril hair and has the most lickable toes in the world. Alex is god and is same god-breed as shrek because he is just too good and alpha and shreksy and hottie patottie

I want Alex Sutherland's juicy gay toes, he's so hot and gay and alpha

by BobHasBigBooty April 3, 2023

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