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Horowitz Crazy

To be paranoid of opposing political philosophy that you go on Witch Hunts to eliminate people from the High Education based purely Guilt by Association basis
To be Horowitz crazy you need to have Authoritarian Stalinist streak with a obsession of being Politically Correct. As well as being able to act persecuted when you don't get your way.

That student in Pol 101 must be Horowitz Crazy to being callously accusing the Professor of political bias when he told him he was off topic.

by Bob_the_Patriot April 12, 2008

38πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

The Great Princeton Hoax of 07

Refers to the attempt by a Very Conservative student to gather sympathy by coming to class looking and claiming he was beaten up by liberals. On top of that he tried frame left-wingers by sending hate/death threats to prominit conservative students on campus in hopes off giving the publisity.
The sutdent responsible for this hoax got national attention thanks to the Right-Wing Noise Machine who blew the insident out of porportian before the whole story unfolded. The Student later admitted to police that he had made it up.

Never forget The Great Princeton Hoax of 07.

by Bob_the_Patriot December 22, 2007

48πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Liberal Loonies

An excuse conservatives use because they think that their way is the only way and seem not to realize that in fact, Conservative Loonies exist in droves as well.

This term is one of the many terms that is used in the Conservative Hate Culture.

Those Liberal Loonies! Supporting free choice and promoting equality and peace is ludicrous!

by Bob_the_Patriot September 15, 2007

153πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž

Separation of Church and State Denier

A person (in most cases a supporter of the Religious Right) who intentionally ignores the 1st amendment to advanced a certain religious groups moral agenda over another. Ignore the fact the 1st amendment clearly states that the U.S. can not endorse religion.
Clearly some one who cherry-picks the Constitution without any respect for the constitution as a whole.
These type of people tend to support or smpythise with Social Authoritarian(a.k.a. Radical Social Conservatives)
People who can't fully be trust with the reigns of Government.

Mike Huckabee is Separation of Church and State Denier

by Bob_the_Patriot January 15, 2008

73πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Lear Jet Liberal

Another Smear word created by the Far Right to demonize liberals. In the case of this baseless term, it is used to describe liberals as being hypicritical without looking at all the facts. If one was to dig deeper they would find that Liberals would jump at the chance to use a less polluting form of travel.
Since this a term created by Rush Limbaugh not all the facts where considered.
see Conservative Sucker Punch

Before you use a term like Lear Jet Liberal why don't you research all the facts and not make assumptions. Even though many Big politcal and enviromental advicates used private jets they would be the first to use a jet that did not use up so much fuel. The manufactures would make mopre fuel effishent jets.

by Bob_the_Patriot November 11, 2007

74πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž

Astroturf Group

Political term that means pseudo-equal rights group or artifcial equal rights group. This groups or organizations tend to call them selves a organization that supports freedom and equality; however that is nothing more a backdrop for a biased unequal agenda.
Groups like Accuracy In Academia and Students for Academic Freedom are good exaples of Astroturf Groups. They put on the identity of being a organization that supports equality, but actually are trying to advance a political bias

"That Astroturf Group are really annoying" Bob said.

by Bob_the_Patriot October 23, 2007

70πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Conservative Slander Artist

A Activist, blogger, or any form of media personality that promotes prejudice and hatred towards liberals.
Conservative slander artist tend to used half truths and misleading information to paint a savage false image of liberals that is later echoed through the internet and other media sources.

Among the well know Slander Artist are...
David Horowitz
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Michelle Malkin

Bob was surprised by all the videos by Conservative Slander Artist that he could find on youtube.

by Bob_the_Patriot March 27, 2008

73πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž