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A word used to describe the epitome, or "core", of tameness. Usually used to describe someone who is boring or unadventurous.

"Lamecore" is an alternative, meaning something which is the epitome of lameness, or lametitude.

"Why isn't John coming out tonight?"
"Cos he's tamecore, that's why!"

"Hey, we're going bungee jumping, you coming with us?"
"Nah, I'm feeling a bit too tamecore"

by Bobbinog July 10, 2009



This term has two possibles meaning;
1. Something which is both shit and shocking
2. Something so shocking that it has proverbial the ability to shock shit itself

1. "Dave's car accident was shit-shocking"
2. "That cow giving birth to an alligator on the News was so unexpected that it was shit-shocking!"

by Bobbinog July 11, 2009