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Not necessarily a bad thing. A Gobshite, for better or worse, talks incessantly without provocation or purpose and most often without principle. The term Gobshite is Irish in origin, from the old Irish gob, or mouth, and shite, or shit. Shite of the Gob is the primary foundation of the word. It first appeared in print in the “manuscript glossary of US Navy terms” as a word for enlisted men, comparing them to tobacco spit. TheGobshite.com uses the word to capture a wide range of characters. In their first “Gobshite of the Month” they awarded Gary Busey with “Most Amusing” while also awarding Dr. Phil McGraw with “Most Annoying”. They also refer to their staff as Gobshites. Rightly so, a Gobshite for all their yammer can be quite entertaining, and therefore the term may be used as one of endearment.

(From TheGobshite.com) … TheGobshite.com’s first ever “Gobshite of the Month” award for “Most Amusing” goes to Gary Busey... If Gobshite was a type of stone than Busey was carved from it. He goes off on unprovoked rants, promotes unfounded (if at all preconceived) conspiracy theories, and gives “advice” in the form of acronyms for virtually every concept entered into the dictionary.

by Bogshite July 11, 2008

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