A Poor Inbred Peckerwood crakkka who lives in the mountains and sleeps with their siblings and animals. Descendents of neantherthals. European from the caucus mountains.
1.Man fuck these hillbillies they smell like wet dogs and condoms filled with hotdog water.
2. These hillbilly crakkkas are the descendents of Neantherthals who slept in their own shit to stay warm while us Afrikans we're building pyramids and studying the stars.
10👍 22👎
African prisoner of war mostly in America or any colonize country who stay on their knees praying to a pale pink cracka Jesus for salvation and denounces their own ancestors and also rejects the sacred sciences and understanding and nature. Usually sick from crackatosis
You Kneegrows needs to get off your knees and pull that cracka Jesus dick out ya mouth and get shit done yourself
20👍 34👎