To secrete or produce saliva. Usually over someone else whilst talking. This causes said person to be grossed out which results in comments such as "I asked for the news not the weather" or "Say it don't spray it."
Comes from the word 'Gob' meaning 'Mouth.'
"Ew! You just gobbed all over my food!"
"You just gobbed on me!"
33👍 9👎
Japanese word meaning: A "what-if?" girl
spend too much time with the rikonmiminenzo
and you just may end up as a moshimo-onna
or even risk spending your thirties as a tsurumun
4👍 3👎
Japenese word meaning 'divorce-promotion generation'
Spend too much time with the rikonmiminenzoand
you just may end up as a moshimo-onna
or even risk spending your thirties as a tsurumun
Something some ginger people refer to themselves as being when they're in denial. It's ginger!
"My hair isn't ginger it's strawberry BLONDE!"
252👍 376👎
Japanese word.
the type of woman who dreads being alone on national holidays and invents reasons to visit friends
Your such a tsurumun, get out of my house.
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