Source Code

it said pens

used when posting on internet forums, it is a way to ensure that your replies (and subsequently your reputation) dont fall victim to the dreaded post edit.

Original post: Who is your favorite actor?
Reply 1: Brad Pitt
Reply 2: It said pens. Matt Damon

Edited post: Which actor do you have sexual fantasies about on a regular basis?
Reply 1: Brad Pitt (now self incriminated)
Reply 2: It said pens. Matt Damon (dignity has been saved)

by Booogs September 28, 2006

18👍 7👎


Teioh is the name of the black Chocobo you race against at Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy 7. The rider's name is Joe.

Speed: 119km
Stamina: 1043

by Booogs November 2, 2006

39👍 11👎


When you post something on an internet forum or message board with the intent of changing it after a few replies have already been posted. It's usually changed to something that implies homosexuality among the now self-incriminating replies.

Original post: Who is your favorite actor?
Reply 1: Brad Pitt
Reply 2: Matt Damon

Edited post: Which male actor do you have sexual fantasies about on a regular basis?
Reply 1: Brad Pitt
Reply 2: Matt Damon

by Booogs September 28, 2006

103👍 31👎