A dumb bitch that isn't quite a Karen. Leaves comments that are completely unrelated to the original post/topic. Trolls by calling others trolls. Name calling is an Anne's only defense. Doesn't understand emojis, but insists on using them improperly. Likes to use the word "butt" because "ass" is a curse. Doesn't know, or quite understand when people are making fun of her. Anne likes to start shit, but can't handle shit hitting the fan. Thinks she is original, but is just regurgitating phrases and points made by the "real" news media. Anne will keep commenting until she is the final comment regardless of how meaningless it is, or how dumb and petty it makes her appear.
Just another Anne immediately calling me a troll for commenting on her post.
Did that Anne just use a single clapping emoji to show a round of applause?
When did Aunt Nancy become such an Anne? I keep seeing her comments about Trump on every local news story that isn't related to politics. SAD.
A dumb bitch that isn't quite a Karen. Trolls by calling others trolls. Name calling is an Anne's only defense. Doesn't understand emojis, but insists on using them improperly. Likes to use the word "butt" because "ass" is a curse. Doesn't know, or quite understand when people are making fun of her. Anne will keep commenting until she is the final comment regardless of how meaningless it is, or how dumb and petty it makes her appear. Anne likes to start shit, but can't handle shit hitting the fan. Thinks she is original, but is just regurgitating phrases and points made by the "real" news media.
Just another Anne immediately calling me a troll for commenting on her post.
Damn Anne, I was just asking a question!
Did that Anne just use a single clapping emoji to show a round of applause?