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One who enjoys humping wagons, it can be split into to multiple categories, such as, Old wagonism (when one enjoys the humping of wagons from the 1700's and before), Mid wagonism (when one enjoys humping wagons from 1700-1850), and New wagonism (when someone enjoys humping wagons from 1850-3000)

1. *about 20 guys wearing wagon humping Jorts™ are gathered around a wagon humping it*

Bob:" Oh god yeah this wagon is hotttt"
Henry: "Dude this ones a beeeeeute. It's got shag carpet in it!"
Kevin: "shag is like, super rare"
Tony: "dude wagonism is life."

2: Gary, wagonism expert: "hello and welcome to the 204th annual wagonism games! Today we will be playing back and forth. New wagonists on the left side of the wagon, old on the left, and mid split in between!"
*hundreds of men go on both sides of the wagon*
Gary, wagonism expert: "GO!"
*the hundreds of men in their special golden wagon humping Jorts™ Start using their groins to push the wagon back and forth, the right side guys are a little tubbier and push the wagon into the new wagonists goal*
All wagonists: "WAGONISM WAGONISM MAKES US HARD, WAGONISM WAGONISM TO THAT WE CHARGE- 40 bucks a person to enter each wagonism-con."

by BoycottTheSocks&Sandals August 18, 2018

2👍 2👎