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1. a person who looks, dresses, or acts like a jackass or embodies clichéd aspects of their generation (synonyms: douchebag, tool, fuckboi)

The word faggot, or fag, shows the effects of societal evolution, and represents them in perfect metaphor. It began as a term for a bundle of sticks, which evolved into a term for cigarettes in England. Eventually, the prevalent use in the modern America's was as a derogatory term against homosexuals. in recent years, homosexuality and gender fluidity have become generally accepted. Our fears and hatred against the gay community had subsided, but still the word fag remained. Children growing up using the term matured, and the term that was mostly meant as an insult (with homophobic undertones), remained as one but with the undertones of homosexuality excluded. Their are still examples of it being used in forms of hate, but they grow continually less common.The term is more commonly used in reference to a person you find annoying, ridiculous, inconsiderate, or totally faggy.

Blake - "Check out this awesome snapback I got to go with my Jordans. it says 'Lit!'"

Corissa - "Wow, what a fag"

by Bpeters805 May 22, 2017

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