Talking- Crushing so hard that you stalked all social media accounts and know where their family went on vacation in 2011. Asks prime group chat to rate them. Sends text 15-30 minutes later even if you see it the second they text you. Plays hard to get even though you're easy AF.
Dating- *commonly misinterpreted* Going out out consistently (over 2-3 dates) and letting them bone you. Allowed to have side hoes. Doesn't fart in front of each other.
Together- Decision making time. Get rid of the side hoes, be nice to your main hoe. Do you want to get more serious or do you want to run as fast as you can? Definitely farts in front of each other.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Tied TF down. Buy a leash. Could see yourself putting a baby in her. Instagram profile is 5+ photos with her, Photo Vault is 500+.
Talking (Relationship Step 1)- BOY: "I went to Mexico with my family a couple years ago." GIRL: "Oh yeah, Cabo right?" BOY: "Wait what.." GIRL: "Wait where?"
Dating (Relationship Step 2)- BOY: "I just went to Applebee's and a movie with Jane, but Krystal keeps hitting me up." FRIEND: "Just go over there bro" BOY: "You right"
Together (Relationship Step 3)- *GIRL is flirting with another boy at bar* BOY: "What the F%$* Jane, stop hoeing around." GIRL: "I didn't think you cared. You never tell me how you feel." BOY: "No you're my hoe, let's go home" GIRL: "Okay, let's go home"
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Relationship Step 4)- GIRL: *Sees that BOY liked some Instagram model's picture* "Why'd you like that girl's photo?" BOY: It's a model Jane, it's not like I actually know her. You're prettier than her anyways." GIRL: "If I was, why TF would you like it then? What am I doing wrong? I literally let you stick it in my butt last night, and you're gonna do that?" BOY: "You're right, I'm wrong. I'll just delete my Instagram" GIRL: "Okay baby :) What're you doing later?"
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