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Unlike genuine communication, where an element of desire to transfer unbiased information or fact can fundamentally exist, communicatering refers exclusively to the subversive generation of biased information (catering, e.g. charming) with a strict intention to influence consumer, popular, institutional or individual opinion for the purpose of the beneficial gain to group or organization initiating such rhetoric. Communicatering, by virtue of its intention and the necessity of its intended efficacy, is almost always disguised as righteousness, prudence, wisdom, innocent concern, temperance, justice, or at worst, Science.

Politicians, bankers, the rich, even a simple blog like Brainbooger.com, they seldom utter a genuine or sincere word, instead they're communicatering, disguising a secret contempt that comes from an ultimate belief that all men are NOT created equal, and that a good line of bullshit is what’s needed to keep the animals off the dinner table.

by BrainBooger.com December 8, 2009