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"Tyler" is named stereotype (similar to "Karen", or "Chad", but with a different role in the pantheon of named stereotypical personas).

A "Tyler" is someone who is extremely contrary, and due to being overly sheltered, their entire value of self worth is derived by constantly correcting everyone around them about all the things they were brainwashed with in highschool.

They have trouble accepting new information that conflicts with their existing world view, and even when confronted with evidence, they will instead insist on parroting back their pre-existing programming as a 10 page essay in the Facebook or YouTube comments section.

Susan: yeah, fvck you, "the man"!
Tyler: Well, actually, "the man" isn't a specific person...

by BrainSlugs83 September 13, 2022


Badgelor is a giant homicidal war badger from the "Mayor of Noobtown" series of Litrpg books. He shoots lasers out of his eyes, and delivers presents to everyones' booby trapped houses on the night before Grebthar's day.

Presently, he has teamed up with Jim (hapless noob, riding on the fame of everyone's favorite curious puppy) to kill the betrayer: Charles.

'Badgelor has been patient, or at least as patient as a homicidal badger can be. With the celebration of Grebthar Day, it's finally time to go get Charles! Nothing is going to stop Jim and his companions, not even the signs of the Dark Overlord's return. This adventure could be Windfall's greatest yet, or it could be its absolute downfall.' -- Dungeon of Noobs

by BrainSlugs83 June 27, 2021

Shadow IT

"Shadow IT" is technical jargon describing any services, applications, media, devices, or infrastructure that are not explicitly approved and managed by an organization's IT department.

"Shadow IT" does not have a positive or negative connotation associated with it, instead it has both Pros and Cons (discussed below), and modern IT organizations seek to adopt a culture of discovering, and managing their existing Shadow IT; and in some cases to promote it (so as to foster innovation and citizen development, while easing discovery, which can help to get ahead of security and compliance concerns).


- Shadow IT Systems are an important source of innovation.

- Shadow IT Systems may become prototypes for future Central IT solutions.

- Shadow IT Solutions may be boosting internal productivity.


- Undiscovered Shadow IT can lead to serious security risks to your organization through data leaks, and more.

- Undiscovered Shadow IT can lead to compliance violations.

- Undiscovered Shadow IT can lead to knowledge silos.

Examples of Shadow IT:

- The File Server under Bob's desk.

- That Web Service running out of Susan's personal Azure subscription.

- The hundreds of Excel Spreadsheets and Macros that the accounting department uses to get around the shortcomings in their ERP system.

- Using other non-sanctioned cloud apps to store and transmit data (i.e. Evernote and Dropbox).

According to a McAfee study, Shadow IT cloud utilization is at least 10 times larger than known cloud usage.

by BrainSlugs83 January 29, 2022