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Wild Hair Up The Ass.

1. A painful, unexpected situation.
2. A jerk who is more trouble than he/she is worth.

Finding out the electricity was still connect to the exposed wire was a real WHUTA moment.

I hope John isn't coming with us, he's a complete WHUTA.

by Brett July 8, 2004

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Coach Z

the struggling coach and soon to be rapper with his smash single "these people try to fade me".from homestarrunner.com

coach z:ive got a great costume!"

by Brett October 16, 2003

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The act of rubbing a finger that has recently been in an unsavoury place(such as a sweaty bum crack/between your toes/in your belly button)accross the filtrum(under the nose)of someone, leaving them with a pooey whiff every time they breath in.

On waking John took a sniff at the world around him then realized to his horror he had been skifted whilst dozing.

Dave nearly pissed his pants with laughter as he ran his pooey digit under the nose of a friend.

by Brett July 7, 2005

30πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


N. That to which one dedicates his or her life in the enlightenment that one cannot attain a signifigant other.

"I killed Diablo on hell two-hundred times in a row, and all I got was a lousy ichorsting."

by Brett March 19, 2003

115πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

kick in the nuts

When someone uses a swift movement of their foot to pulverize another persons testicles. this will usually immobilise the kickee.

If you don't shut up you are goning to get a kick in the nuts.

by Brett May 6, 2003

172πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


ruined, broken
also in serious trouble

Wow, that window is done!

What the fuck did you call me??? You're DONE!!!

by Brett May 16, 2003

37πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


when you are showering and someone comes in the bathroom and takes a shit.

tim laid down a harcore poocha when i was bathing.

man that was some poocha

by Brett February 10, 2004

10πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž