Source Code

Dukein' her


Usually involving more than one offender.

Brian: Hey Mike were you at that party last night?

Mike: No, what happened?

Brian: A stripper came over and these Lacrosse players were totally Dukein' her!

by Brian_is_tasty July 1, 2006

6👍 17👎

fifth base

The only base you can slide into where you KNOW you'll get your pants muddy.

Brian: How far'd ya get with her?

Mike: Fifth base!

Brian: Really?

Mike: Yeah, this mourning I totally had to wash the uniform.

by Brian_is_tasty July 1, 2006

411👍 279👎

Playin' Lacrosse

Rough sex double team.

Brian: Last night got a little crazy didn't it?

Mike: Yeah it's crazy enough that we double teamed her but I could believe she wanted us to pull her hair and spit on her.

Brian: We were totally playin' lacrosse.

by Brian_is_tasty July 1, 2006

9👍 1👎