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Who cares..
Scene is Scene, just as emo,goth, prep, jock, and every other label there is out there. People dress how they feel, and what they like. Why are the people who dress in black or anything thats not prep looked down upon so much? There are a lot of people who can be fake and trying to be something they arent.. so why do people just make rude comments about scene/emo/goth/punk/fashioncor(ect.) kids.A preppy girl or guy can dress that way just to impress.
Who cares how scene someone is, or how they dress or talk.
If you dont like it, then ignore it. Dont complain about it.
There's always gunna be trends, and people tend to follow them. Its life. Deal with it. If your not doing it, then why does it matter if someone else is or not? Maybe they are just trying to be "cool" doesnt everyone want to be well liked?
I'm not going to write the definition of scene..
We all know what it is. Or what it looks like..
Im not going to waste my time complaining about how someone i dont even know dresses. So answer me this.

:dude hes scene. ew.
*punches in the face*

by Brie_Hollywood August 30, 2006

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