Source Code

Diet Soda


Diet soda is a billion times worse for you than regular

by Bronelson April 15, 2020


A popular group on Roblox; VoltGaming Studios, is known for being a community for gamers, developers, and creators. They also have made several games, such as The Hinge, Spark Minigames, and Camping Simulator.

The games by VoltGaming Studios are the best!

by Bronelson September 28, 2020


The console you can't get.

PS5 sold out in seconds worldwide!

by Bronelson November 13, 2020

232👍 6👎


Another way of saying “Robux”, the digital currency on Roblox. It’s usually a misspelling by noobs.

I need the Runlox!

by Bronelson November 16, 2020


Some 8 year old who randomly presses “don’t add” on your Urban Dictionary definition

That volunteer didn’t even read my definition

by Bronelson April 15, 2020

18👍 4👎


Bronelson, is a noun that is used in place of the word “bro” or “dude”. It’s better than both, in fact, because of obvious reasons. It usually shows upmost respect and epicness.
Similar to “bronie” but more epic.

Normie: Hey bro, what’s up?
Non-normie: Hey bronelson.

by Bronelson November 11, 2020

YouTube Shorts

Sub bot.
But really: YouTube videos that are basically TikToks, but on YouTube, and they are guaranteed to give BIG views. Especially if there’s bobux involved.

YouTube: *gives me bobux YouTube shorts on homepage*
Me: it viral time to copy
Me a few days later: *1 billion sub*

by Bronelson January 14, 2021

28👍 10👎