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the Art of milking a yak with your weakest hand, many people take their entire lives to perfect this art, others take their lives just finding out what the fuck it means.

Typical Chinese:In order to find true enlightenment you must splink
DoucheLOL: Y0 doode what is teh splinking and shiet
Typical Chinese:Shut your filthy bitch mouth and find out yourself you lazy cockslice!

by Brunstwig March 3, 2013

6👍 1👎

Takayama, Katsuhiko

This guy, this fucking guy wrote the script.... for Boku No Pico, yes that award winning clusterfuck of child pornography and rape that could fuck with your nightmares more than It the clown could if you were watching it when you were but a wee child. So this guy is happy to take credit for a shit script on this piece of filth, well... that's excusable, everybody makes mistakes..right? Well No. He also wrote the scripts for the 2 sequels to this piece of shit, and it might as well be child porn inception because it gets weirder and weirder every time. Yo dawg i heard you wanted some child porn to go with your child porn, so we could some child porn with your child porn in sequel with your child porn so you could child porn while you rape children in the mouth over the internet!! If you want to shame someone or know that your better than someone, then you are better than this guy, Takayama, Katsuhiko.... what a twat.

Sane Guy1: hey do you want to go and see a movie next week
Sane Guy 2: yeah man i hear that the new Man of Steel movie has had some mixed revie....
Sane Guy 1 to Sane Guy 2: Lets just back away slowly......

by Brunstwig June 26, 2013

44👍 12👎


A bear made entirely out of cucumbers, very rare to see unless under the influence of highly mind altering substances whilst watching a nature documentary or Yogi Bear. Could also be a possible character in future episode of adventure time.

Guy 1: Dude, do you see that Cucumbear over there man that's so meta!
Guy 2: Shut the fuck up jerk off you know they're not real, you must be trippin some serious balls right now
Guy 1:How do you trip balls?
Guy 2: ...Idiot

by Brunstwig February 24, 2013

4👍 1👎