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A sub human neanderthal, lives on a council estate, easily identified by their branded clothing, bad haircuts, cheap jewellery and shitty "souped up" vauxhall corsas.
Bearable in ones and twos because they have too much natural cowardice to say anything, as they dont consider 1v1 or even 2v1 to be a fair fight.
However if there are three or more (depends on size of them and their quarry) then you had better not look at these "bawd lawds" twice, because then you enter their "zone of awareness".
Everyone within their "zone of awareness" that they consider to be someone they dont like (ie. most people), and they will begin to hurl insults that they are convinced are the pinnacle of wit. Unfortuantly these insults usually take the form of "fockin(noun) wenker". The noun can usually be replaced by "fenain" or "brit" if they belive you to be of a different political/religius beliefs (although they have no true beliefs themselves they just copy their "mates"), alternativly if you something black that isnt some form of addidas or nike clothing you will no doubt be branded a "gethic" and be ridiculed for you poor (lol) fashion sense.
If drunk (which is often) the people who are in their zone of awareness are seen as enemies, who must be "bait" in the currently "fair" fight (12v1).
Fortuanatly as long as you quickly leave their zone of awareness before this happens they quickly forget you exist.
The irony is of course that they always consider "you" to be a freak....

Look at all those spides, im sure they will suceed in life

by Brycey June 17, 2004

16👍 5👎


Once a retard, now even more so, Jondz would be the person on MX who tries to act cool. If you were to pull a "Jondz", you would repeatedly use internet slang and techniques in an attempt to look cool and make friends, but fail dreadfully.

/me makes comment
/me plays guitar
/me thinks im cool
/me pulls a jondz
/me did pull a jondz

by Brycey July 14, 2004

2👍 3👎


To play scrabble, is to perform sexual intercourse or a sexual act.

John: My word, did my ears hear correctly, that one did play scrabble with miss clark from the shop te night before last?

Myself: I do say, I did! I gave her quite a splendid time!

by Brycey July 16, 2004

164👍 96👎


From the ancient Danish origin of "Yatmund", being "Yatty" is similar to being a sexy man-beast.

My word Roderick, your just like the almighty God Yatty this evening.

by Brycey July 10, 2004

12👍 36👎