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Moisture Daddy

Unlike the sugar daddy a Moisture Daddy is not older or wealthy, but has zero wealth and poor hygiene, Moisture Daddys typically weigh in at about 115-160 pounds, the best way to pick out a Moisture Daddy is they are typically small in stature and skinny. A moisture Daddy receives no benefits unlike the sugar daddy, they just take care of the Moisture Pig or the smaller more athletic Swampy D. The Moisture Daddy feeds them so they can continue to eat and sweat and sweat and eat. The Moisture Daddy is very loyal to the Moisture Pig and Swampy D, they will continue to feed them until they can no longer fit through a normal sized doorway.

That poor man must be a moisture daddy, because he has no idea of how large his spouse is!

This dude has to be a moisture daddy, look at all of the crappy food in his 3 shopping carts and he paid with a EBT card.

by Bshifters December 20, 2019

Moisture Baby

A moisture baby is the off spring of a Moisture Pig or the smaller more athletic Swampy D. You can spot a moisture baby due To the fact there are usually 3-5 of them and most of them have different dads and live in a cramped apartment typically low income housing and run around like wild animals. The primary goal of a moisture baby it to become an exact duplicate of the Moisture Pig or the more athletic Swampy D.

Holy shit look at the number of moisture babies running around in the store.

My kid was attacked by a herd of moisture baby’s and almost died. Thank god he had good cardio he was able to run away, after tossing down a twinkie to distract them!

by Bshifters December 20, 2019

Swampy D

A swampy D is specific towards female human life forms that weigh in under 400 lbs typically 250+- lbs. This Human life form like the moisture pig and swamp donkey pretty much just sit around and eats and sweats as well as the being loud, obnoxious, and very opinionated.

They typically are fighters and are more athletic than the moisture pig.

Wow that swampy D is obnoxious, rude and opinionated. Let’s go Stan in another line.

Man I can’t get a word in edgewise due to this swampy d talking over me.

by Bshifters December 16, 2019

Moisture Pig

A 400 pound plus male or female human life form that just sits around and eats and sweats. These humans leach off of the system to the point that they suck up any moisture around them as well as food and beverage and leave no moisture, food or beverage for any other hard working human.

A moisture pig is worse than a swamp donkey and less athletic.

A moisture pig also is greatly affected by gravity and spends a lot of time on the ground, typically due to falling.

Look at the size of the hair diaper on that moisture pig.

That moisture pig stood so close to me that it dehydrated me!

by Bshifters December 15, 2019


Jizzacorn is when you are having sex with your girlfriend or wife or boyfriend or who ever and blow a huge load into their hair, you then quickly swirl the load into their hair making it look like a unicorn horn, then you quickly open your fanny pack and take out handfuls of rainbow glitter and toss all over their beautiful, sweaty body and freshly jizzed in hair. This a rarely seen mystical creature only talked about in legend and lore.

How was your night, it was awesome a made a jizzacorn in my room last night, never seen one before that.

by Bshifters January 24, 2020