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Survival Style

The act of fantastic undulation to merely survive a traumatic / dangerous event. Survival Style starts with the fear of not being able to accomplish a task and / or severe unpreparedness for said event.

Brandon: "Kevin, you really threw some sick survival style when you hit that step-up jump on your mountain-oriented bike."

Kevin: "Yea bra, just tryin' to survive..."

by Bsik November 16, 2011


When 2 straight friends (Bros) decide to adopt a baby together, rather than find a suitable female host for their seed. this occurs when both parties are getting up the in age (30 and older) and haven't found a suitable mate.

Brandon: "Hey Ben, I'm single, you're single and we aren't getting any younger... lets have a kid!"

Ben: "Bro, we should totally do a brodoption. Which kind you want? Korean? Sri Lankan? or a plain old white one?"

by Bsik November 23, 2011