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In hebrew, it means "Gift from God"

In some African languages it can mean "Ancient One or Ancient King"

However Zani is a beautiful individual who brightens even darkest days and sometimes with a dark sense of humor. He/She may be someone who has to endure a lot but he/she is so greatly blessed with intelligence, kindness, strength, will and courage that watching the epic poem that is his/her journey inspires the mind and blossoms the soul. Zani is one who won't give up on himself/herself and he/she most certainly wont give up on you. The left eye to her right, this Lotus Blossom will flourish in all forms. Like so few can be, he/she will be.
Zani is the true African lotus blossom.

God delivered Zani and said it was His gift unto them.

It's such a blessing to have someone like Zani!

by Bubblemilktea December 28, 2017

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