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A dangerous predatory group of individuals who inhabit online fandoms. They have QANON levels of obsessively over moralistic behavior about the protection of fictional characters at the expense of real people within fandom. And they will go to either violent and and nefarious lengths to do so, depending on whether they want control/dictate the popularity of a ship/character within the fandom, or for more predatory motives, orher times both.They have difficulties distinguishing reality from fiction, and usually are an overall growing danger to everyone in the online community’s they inhabit, but are especially dangerous to minors. Patterns of behavior for this group are, grooming/exposing children to sexual adult content through twitter threads and discord servers under the guise of “spreading awareness”, and encourage those same children to expose other minors to that inappropriate content. Saying/insinuating they are safe adults to misleadingly make themselves seem more safe to minors while simultaneously having a fan base/mutuals mostly if not only consisting of children. Harass children to suicide/deletion of accounts if the child doesn’t comply to their behavioral demands. Stocking/doxxing, calling minority groups slurs within fandom over fictional characters. And sending people IRL bomb threats to their houses. Calling people’s jobs, schools, harass/ recording people at cons, attaching fan artists etc.

Wow that person called someone a “freak of color“ over a Genshin ship. Sounds like an Antishipper.

by Bubbly unicorn October 29, 2022

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Anti shippers

The term Anti-shipper is an online moniker used by a growing online hate group, who specifically targets minors/lgbtq+/POC, through infiltrating online spaces made for popular mainstream fictional media entertainment. Anti-shippers in question target these communities, by the use of labeling marginalized groups (ie. Minors/lgbtq+ /POC) “pro shippers'' while calling their victims slurs, sending threats, endangering minors, referring to their victims as pedofiles, bomb threats, rape threats, misgendering, stalking, and sending gore picks/child sexual abuse material to their victims. Especially if it is known to said Anti-shipper in advance, that their target is a victim of CSA themselves.

Although some of their political leanings may slightly differ. When operating as a group—Anti-shippers collectively tend to display the problematic behavioral patterns of other more known toxic groups, such as. The now defunct hate site Kiwi-farms, and reactionary rightwing terf/“Anti groomer” groups. They also similarly, tend to use fabricated/hypothetical concepts of protecting children, as a smokescreen for there dangerous behavior.

Did those crazies just send that 14yr old fan arts, death threats and call them pedo!?!? Wow-definitely an Anti shippers.

by Bubbly unicorn August 10, 2023

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