a gender that is mostly associated with animals, aesthetics, and feelings, but can be other things too!
Common Xenogenders are catgender, pupgender, bungender, sweetgender, and faegender. Most Xenogender users use neopronouns that correlate with their gender, such as kit/kitself/pup/pupself/bun/bunself/sweet/sweetself/fae/faeself/ Xenogenders are totally valid and help neurodivergent people understand what they identify as! Xenogenders that identify with animals do not mean that if you identify with them you identify as a cat, though this is a common misconception.
person 1: I identify as beegender and fluffcoric!!!
person 2: wha- whats that?
person 1: They are xenogenders, they are what i identify as!
person 2: doesn't that stupid meowbahh brat identify as catgender??? don't tell me you like meowbahh
person 1: NO OF COURSE NOT!!! meowbahh is not really part of the lgbtqia+ community, its some guy pretending to be catgender and starting discourse over things
person 2: well- its only man, woman, and nonbinary spec!!
person 1: yeah! xenogenders are nonbinary spec, because they aren't man or woman!
person 2: oh! you are very valid, i understand now :)
person 1: thanks! we face lots of transphobia and exclusion in the lgbtquia+ community, so thats very kind :3
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