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booty call

booty call:

Main Entry: boo·ty call
Pronunciation: \ˈbü-tēˈkȯl\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural booty calls
Etimology – From the Latin, Booticus Callmypatheticassupus
Date: Late 21st century

1 : A clandestine or casual meeting to indulge sexual urges, devoid of any meaningful social engagement. Typically occurring between the hours of 12-4am, subsequent to one party becoming inebriated or failing to secure sexual relations with a more appealing partner(s).

2 : Disparaging title for the lesser of two unequal partners in a booty call relationship; typically this individual does not realize or accept that the relationship is limited to a booty call. Often called a fuck buddy.

1 : I don't wanna taker her out, just hook up a booty call.
2 : No, we're not dating; she's just a booty call.

by Bulrog September 27, 2009

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