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beer orphan

a beer someone doesn't like but takes to a party mixed in with other beers in effort to pass it off. Usually a weird flavor included with a Sam Adams seasonal pack, like cherry or chocolate bock. The beer continues to be passed on from party to party in this way, continuing its foresaken journey forever.

get me a decent brew out of the cooler, not one of those beer orphans Phil brought.

by Bumpyjonas March 8, 2017


Polite way of saying half-assed

This is really semi-buttocked work, Bob. We expect more of you.

by Bumpyjonas April 11, 2017


Boston slang. A cheap person. Never picks up a tab. Always bumming smokes or drinks off other people. Pronounced SKIDDAH

Tommy is such a skidder

by Bumpyjonas December 10, 2016


Someone who smokes a joint down to the tiniest almost invisible roach. Doesn't care if fingers get burnt.

Stop scurneying that joint already and roll another one.

by Bumpyjonas December 10, 2016

Fool's cold

When a can or bottle feels cold on outside but is not because it was only recently added to the cooler.

Don't open that can, it's fool's cold!

by Bumpyjonas November 28, 2016


A complete bore. Acronym for No Apparent Personality

Did you get stuck talking to that NAP again?

by Bumpyjonas November 28, 2016

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