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A person who is antisocial in nature yet everyone seems to call attention to.

The Antisocialite may seem like a contradiction. They may simultaneously spend hours and weeks alone, yet have no issue speaking their mind when they feel necessary.

They can briefly appear at events and talk without hesitation on certain topics. Yet, they may hardly speak again through the course of the event.

People often think they talk more than they do, have more friends than they actually do, and overall have an inaccurate perspective of their lives.

Antisocialites will be both loved and hated with equal intensity by those who are in contact with them. People also think they know them, and yet will only have seen one tiny piece of them.

Antisocialites are passionate and calm in equal measure. They may enter a party without saying a word, yet everyone will remember them and call attention to them, whether in joyous exclamation or angry whispers.

They are often the brunt of many hateful and loving actions, and can find it taxing to be so noticed by both kinds of people.

Antisocialites make people feel intensely. It can cause people to make assumptions about them because of the strong emotions they draw out of those around them.

Antisocialites may hide out on their own for weeks, months, or even years, then arrive in the spotlight once again to reveal themselves in tiny snapshots.

Antisocialites once wanted to be known. As they age, they rejoice in being unknowable.

“The woman was alluring and powerful from the moment she entered the room, yet she hardly spoke a word all evening. When she began to speak during our discussion, I felt so wrapped up in her words. But as soon as the topic changed, she smiled and left to sit in the corner again like a true Antisocialite.”

“My parents loved her. My sisters hated her. My brothers wanted to fuck her. The Antisocialite managed to make everyone feel something very intensely. Yet all she did was be herself for a brief moment, and disappear again.”

“When you’re an Antisocialite, everyone loves you or hates you, but hardly anyone really knows you.”

by BunniAlex May 18, 2022