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Dolphin Dick

When you wear very uncomfortable pants that make you penis fold or bend, or inexplicably you piss in random directions missing the seat entirely

"Ew, don't go in that stall, some guy with Dolphin Dick pissed all over the toilet seat and bowl"

by ButHonestlyWhyThough January 14, 2020

3👍 2👎


With Magnitude: Used to greatly emphasize how you do something or how great something is. The term is derived from Despicable Me's Vector, as he states "I am committing crime with both direction and magnitude!"

"I work hard, I always get things done with magnitude!"
"My phone has a camera, a great CPU, and magnitude!"
"Ryan is a great guy, he's got magnitude!"

by ButHonestlyWhyThough January 14, 2020