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a man of mystery. nobody knows who he is, where he came from, why he’s here, and when he got here. but most importantly, nobody knows his last name.

“Who’s Joe?”


by ButtholeEnthusiast October 12, 2021


The incredibly evil man who jerked off The Flash so fast it made him seem like he nutted at the simple touch of a woman.

“It was me Barry, I jerked you off at super speed to make it seem like you nutted at just a woman’s touch!!”
-Reverse-Flash to The Flash

by ButtholeEnthusiast May 1, 2022

1👍 1👎


The gamer tag Emmet Till used before he got absolutely rekt

“Hey Tillsky, let’s run some duos.”

“Nah man, I’m busy brutally getting my ass beat and drowning in a river.”

by ButtholeEnthusiast October 13, 2021

1👍 1👎

Aaron G.

a gentleman who likes anime and for some reason thinks Venom 2 is a good movie. he also has a lot of lightsabers even though he’s not really in to Star Wars. according to my sources, this gentleman is also very well endowed.

Guy 1: “Hey have you seen Venom 2?”

Guy 2: “Yes, I saw it with Aaron G. last week.”

Guy 1: “How was it?”

Guy 2: “The movie fucking sucked, but for some reason Aaron liked it.”

by ButtholeEnthusiast October 12, 2021


the word “fuck”, but autocorrect struck again and made you look like a ducking retard

(in iMessage)
Guy 1: The Patriots are down 2 scores
Guy 2: Duck

by ButtholeEnthusiast October 12, 2021

Stang vs Feehan

a rivalry that really doesn’t exist. none of the Stang students care about it because Stang’s real rival is Dartmouth High School, and none of the Feehan students care about it because why would you ever care about Bishop Stang. The only people that actually take this “rivalry” seriously are the coaches and staff members of the schools.

The Stang vs Feehan rivalry doesn’t exist

by ButtholeEnthusiast October 12, 2021


a pair of big balls on an african american

Girl 1: yo i fucked Jamarquavious yesterday.
Girl 2: really? how big was it?
Girl 1: well his cock was only 3 inches, but he had some nickabals!

by ButtholeEnthusiast May 1, 2022