A tough town outside Boston proper. Most of it is working class, though the southside (also called sur dub or so. wal.) is wicked rough. It's mostly a mix of Irish, African-Americans, Italians, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Haitians, Indians, Ugandans, and Chinese. On a Waltham street it's common to hear old-timer talk (hawayah=how are you?, supdood=hi, yah fuckin ritahhded ked= you're stupid, etc.), next to spanglish (eyyy que tal mang= what's up man, el dijo to me= he told me, cabron you creysee= you're crazy, etc.), next to ghetto slang. Oh and you cant forget mumbling drunkard/junkie, a favorite dialect on the southside. Locals get offered drugs a lot because its a thriving business here. Also every fucking kid in Waltham now is either a gangbanger or wants to be one so there are a growing numbers of Locs and Latin Kings. Waltham is actually just kind of a sad story because what used to be the birthplace of the American industrial revolution is turning into a broke ass shithole. And yet people here are so damn proud and won't let you for get they were "born and raised in tha ham". Rule number one in Waltham is ignoring our problems and pretending gangs,drugs, and broken homes are only in ghettos like The Dot, Roxbury, Murderpan etc.
Carlos: "My moms got fuckin jumped in Waltham last night."
Julian: "Figures my dude... they hear change in your pocket in that town and you good as dead. Fucking barrioteros."
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