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A Onceler was a charater in the Dr Suess epic 'The Lorax'. The Oncler basically kept cutting all the trees down, using the wood for a single purpose then would cut some more trees down until there was nothing left. Sound familiar?

Therefore, a onceler is:
Someone who thinks the linear economy is ecologically sustainable.

Someone who uses single-use plastics.

Someone who does not think about how their single-use lifestyle is fucking the planet and everybody and everything on it.
Someone who feels inconvenienced by initiatives to save the environment.

Someone who is possibly a member of the world's 10 percenters as it is the top 10% of the wealthiest people on the planet who are consuming 90% of the world resources.
A onceler is a product of the capitalist society.

Please be awesome, don't be a onceler.

They are such a bunch of oncelers, driving around alone in their luxury cars when they could be using ride-share to save some of the dwindling fossil fuel resources.

I'm not going to that cafe, the owner is such a onceler, they still use styrofoam cups and don't even recycle!

I get eco-anxiety from all these oncelers. When are they going to see that the circular economy is the way forward?

Wake up you onceler, you are brainwashed by psychologically manipulative marketing ploys into thinking you need to buy stuff, just so you can keep on earning money to buy more and more stuff.

by ByED June 24, 2022