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witching hour

A period of relative calm, during which a person or people undergo a significant mood change, usually for the worse. The witching hour is NOT a time of violence, it is the calm that precedes the storm.

When my parents called on the phone to ask where I was they sounded really calm and friendly. But as I drove home I knew that soon the precious time of witching hour would pass.

After her boyfriend, left Caroline sat down and brooded over his insensitive remarks. Little did Mike knew as he drove away that the witching hour hung over him.

by ByronGman October 17, 2006

23👍 58👎


The state of being completely infatuated with open source media, source codes, wikis, freeware, ect. Wikilove can lead to all sorts of problems, including misinformation and spyware infestation.

Billy's in wikilove! He's downloaded Google Earth, does all his word processing on Writely, and visits Wikipedia ever day. His computer also has more spyware than a sailor has STD's.

by ByronGman August 28, 2006

5👍 10👎


To completed dominate someone in any sport or event, particularily tennis. Originates from Roger Federer ,the current top player in the world and perhaps of all time. To truly "federize" someone you must not only dominate them, but also dominate them with class and style.

Dude, you totally federered that guy with your backhand!

AWWWW man, Walt just federized my ass at Halo. I couldn't walk three steps and my guts were smeared across in the screen in a horrid, yet poetic manner.

by ByronGman September 19, 2006

247👍 45👎