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Shortened version of the common saying, "chicks for free."

Can be used in various situations, and has multiple meanings. Almost like the duct tape of language - it can be used for everything. Similar words: Nice, cool, OK, good work, sounds good to me, sluts, lets get started, awesome.

Other common forms: Chicks ahoy, Chicksadelphia, Chick dandy, C4F

Guy 1 - "Whats going on tonight?
Guy 2 - "I think 727 is having a party"
Guy 1 - "Oh, where's that? Never heard of it..."
Guy 2 - "Don't worry, its chicks"

Guy 1 - " I just picked up some beer. Lets get fucked up"
Guy 2 - "Chicks."

Guy 1 - " Sorry, I accidentally puked on your couch."
Guy 2 - "Eh, don't worry about it, its chicks."

Guy 1 - "She finally let me put it in her but!"
Guy 2- "Chiiiiiiiiiiiicks!"

by C4F November 28, 2011

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