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Usually a blue, green, pink, or purple- haired being who identifies or highly supports the LGBTQ agenda. They usually go by he/she/we/it/they/them/bunny/car, etc…
They frequently participate in Antifa & BLM destruction protests & try to twart Republican/Conservative rallies. They constantly yell & scream & have even been known to BARK like dogs when they’re confronted with truth and can’t make up a valid response.

They absolutely ❤️ abortion & getting everybody to embrace feminism is their main goal in life.

Eek! Look at that weird looking liberal chick over there at the Antifa rally.

That blue-haired dude holding the “Defund the Police” sign is definitely a liberal!

That weird liberal thing just asked me what my pronouns are… I don’t know why it got so mad when I responded with, “ My pronouns are F*ck” and You!” So touchy!

by CAGirl87 July 24, 2021