Source Code

Traffic Baddie

Tra-Ffic Bad-die

Variants: Traffic Baddy

plural Traffic Baddies


1. You’re super comfy being as confident as possible, even when you know you’re straight wrong #DieOnThisHill

2. You mean what you say - Even though you have to do it through a fake account, you mean it. #ISaidIt

3. You empower others to be upset that you are upset about being stopped for breaking traffic law #HearMeOutFriends

Mya being a Traffic Baddie again, she doesn’t believe in any laws but the constitution. #MyEmployees

Jeff just got upset that the police stopped another reckless drunk driver so he’s making vague threats in Facebook Messenger, he’s such a TB. #IHopeYou…

by CCSDPDTraffic July 24, 2023