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poppin collars

To really show off and signify their importance to others, people pop the collar of their shirt.

"Around here we pop them collars" -- Lil Bow Wow (Bounce with me 2000)

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

67πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Asian Crips

asian bangers, known as AC.
girl version is ACG.
junior version is AC Junior.
thier enemies are Blood, and MOD..
AC also know as BK; blood killers.

"ey!look at dat ac jumpin dat mod's ass!"

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

114πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

power walk

to walk fastly away from whom ever.

"hahas!dang..look at sheeda power walkin her as$ away from nivea!fareals, sheeda gon get jumped!she betta power walk away!"

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

12πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


a gang known as
"M"aster "O"f "D"isaster.
also paired up with the gang "Blood".
Enemies are AC(Asian Crips).

dang!look at dat MOD gettin wooped by dat AC!

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

12πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


word meaning exstacy pills.
needed when u roll.
e-tards are addicted to e-pills.

gurl lemme getta hold of em e-pills..

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

75πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


meaning extacy pills.

gurl lemme getta hold of em e-pills.

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

82πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

free style

Freestyling is when an MC flows with lyrics right off the top of his or her head. It is inpromptu and spontaneous and only the most creative rhymers can do it well. It is also a kind of competition between MC's because you have to be good to bust a good freestyle. It helps to keep MCs on their toes too, because it is like practice.

"We gonna do a little freestyle for y'all, and it go like this" -- Schoolly D (Cuttin' and scratchin').

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž